Financial Assistance for Funeral Arrangements

Organizations that offer financial assistance for funerals after loss

· Funerals,Resources,Finances


Madelyn's Fund (Charlotte, NC)

Cabarrus Funeral Home (partners with Atrium Health in NC)

Free burial plots for infants (Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Cornelius, NC) You do not need to be a member of the church.



Start a GoFundMe - My boss hosted a GoFundMe for my family after Gemma died to help offset the costs we were going to incur. They raised $2.2K from coworkers, which was exactly how much our labor and delivery bill ended up being. We are forever grateful for this, and we strongly suggest going this route if you have a large support group but they live farther away to help with physical needs.

Cremation - Often free of charge to infants less than one year old, but this varies. If you delivered at a hospital or the baby was in the NICU sometimes the hospitals offer crematory services for a small fee and you can pick up the ashes. If your child was able to be an organ donor this might be required by the hospital, but it varies.