Birth & Bereavement Doulas in Charlotte, NC

A list of doulas who want to be available to you during this time

· Mind and Body

I had a phone consultation with a bereavement doula just days before I gave birth to my daughter. We wanted to have support because this was our first child, and birth was a scary thought considering our baby had a "fatal diagnosis". And even though we didn't use her services, we still needed her. To text someone in the middle of the uncertainty and know that they, too, have gone through this trauma. To get advice from someone I had only spoken to for twenty minutes, but had plans much greater than what was unfolding in front of me. Although not all bereavement doulas have suffered their own loss, it was incredibly validating to know I wasn't alone, even if my husband and I were in the hospital completely alone with our dying baby.

If you are here because your baby has a medical diagnosis that brings fear and uncertainty, I recommend finding a bereavement doula near you. Or maybe you are pregnant with your "rainbow baby" and feel anxious and want to be certain things will go right. Doulas can be an advocate and support when you feel alone. And I want you to know that you are not alone. I've been there. And I am so sorry that it is so terrifying and unfair.

Below is a list of doulas in the greater Charlotte, NC area that I have spoken with and wish to have their name added to this alphabetical list. Their website or email is attached as a link.

Amber Hatfield - Birth & postpartum doula

Anne Travers - Doula & former L&D nurse

Ashley Arnold - Birth & bereavement doula

Brooke Hickman - LKN area Doula, specializing in Trisomy 18 diagnoses

Chammee Anderson - Doula, lactaction support, & photography

Debbie Conklin - Doula, bereavement services are free of charge

Kaitlyn Foster - Birth worker & former NICU nurse, can do home births of stillborns)

Natalie Story - Birth and postpartum doula with bereavement experience

Racquel Washington - Birth and postpartum doula

Sarah Eiley Cowherd - Birth and postpartum doula, homebirth midwife, & clinical herbalist

Stephanie Rodriguez - Birth & postpartum Doula

What the Bump CLT (Jennifer Baalaer & Mariana Chen) - Doulas & nurses (credentialed for Novant Health)

Your Charlotte Doulas - large list of doulas, chiropractors, lactaction support, and more in Charlotte, NC (many are listed above already)

Resources Outside of the Charlotte Area (find a doula near you)

Death Doulas (20 states)