• Our Amazon Wishlist

    Help us out by purchasing items on our wishlist - these items support Book Carts, hospitals, and our operations!

  • Donate New/Used Items

    New or Very Gently Used Items:

    *Pro Tip: Consider finding gently used items from Facebook Marketplace to get a good deal & support our cause!*

    • Digital cameras (12 megapixel minimum, not more than 10 years old)
    • Rolling carts (Amazon, IKEA, or Target carts)
    • SD cards (2 GB minimum)
    • Baby loss & grief related books (new or used, no highlights/notes please)
    • Newborn photography props & pillows

    You can mail donations to our headquarters:

    Gemma's Hope

    6302 Gold Dust Ct Charlotte, NC 28269

    If you are local you can drop off donations at our headquarters, just schedule in advance by emailing us.

    You'll receive a tax receipt for all items donated!